§ 监督并协助客房部运营手册的准备及更新。
Oversees and assists in the preparation and updates of the Housekeeping Departmental Operations Manual.
§ 定期主持召开部门沟通会并确保例会和会议切实有效且在必要时进行指导。
Conducts regular communications meetings and ensures that departmental briefings and meetings are effective and conducted as necessary.
§ 阅读并更新每日值班记录。
Reads and updates the communications logbooks.
§ 确保适时采用新型的技术和设备。
Ensures the use new technology and equipment is explored and implemented wherever appropriate.
§ 确保客房部和洗衣房的服务符合运营手册的标准。
Ensures Housekeeping and Laundry service standards are in accordance with the Operations Manual.
Customer Service
§ 确保所有客房部员工遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。
Ensures all Housekeeping associates deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guest service at all times.
§ 确保客房部员工适时的为其他部门员工同样提供优质的服务。
Ensures Housekeeping associates also provide excellent service to internal customers in other departments as appropriate.
§ 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。
Handles all guest and internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.
§ 保持与顾客和同事的良好合作关系。
Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.
§ 经常性的亲自确认客人在入住酒店的过程中得到尽善尽美的服务。
Personally and frequently verifies that guests are receiving the best possible in-room service.
§ 负责签署客房部物品的采购单和费用申请单。
Endorses all purchase requests and invoices for Housekeeping related expenses.
§ 通过多技能、多任务及灵活的日程安排最大限度地发挥员工的工作能力,以实现财政目标并达到顾
Maximises associate productivity through the use of multi-skills, multi-tasking and flexible scheduling to meet the financial goals of the business as well as the expectations of the guests.
§ 在确保实现服务承诺的前提下,尽可能地降低客房部的运营成本,根据主要的绩效指标前瞻性的控
Ensures Housekeeping operates with the lowest possible cost structure while also delivering on the brand promise to the guest, proactively managing costs based on key performance indicators.
§ 适时协助完成月度预算。
Assists in monthly re-forecasting, as appropriate.
§ 协助准备年度房务部商业计划。
Assists in the preparation of the Annual Business Plan for Rooms.
§ 确保留存所有与酒店、公司、地方法规相关的财务记录;遵循财务记账,资金处理的规定;及时准
Ensures all relevant hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record
keeping are adhered to, including the timely and accurate reporting of financial information.
§ 和财务总监一起整理编制和管理部门预算。
Works with Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget.
Ensures all relevant hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to financial record keeping are adhered to, including the timely and accurate reporting of financial information.
§ 确保客房部顺畅和高效的运作,并确保部门运营手册中的政策和程序都被严格遵守。
Ensures the smooth and efficient running of the Housekeeping department, ensuring that all the policies and procedures outlined in the Departmental Operations Manual are strictly adhered to.
§ 负责保留适量的库存,包括客用品、清洁用品、房间印刷品、文具、布草等。
Be responsible for the inventory of guest supplies, cleaning supplies, printing and stationary for the rooms, linen, etc.
§ 根据财务部的要求进行消耗品和运营设备的盘点。
Carries out inventory-taking of supplies and operating equipment as required by the Finance Department.
§ 负责检查酒店的鲜花安排。
Be responsible for hotel flower arrangements.
§ 与灭虫公司和其他有工作关系的公司联络,确保酒店内的灭虫工作顺利进行。
Communicates with and supervise the hotel’s contracted pest-control and other contracted companies to ensure that effective programmes are instituted and maintained.
§ 监控客房、公共区域和后勤区的清洁。
Oversees the cleanliness of guest rooms,public areas and back-of-the house areas.
§ 与供应商合作为酒店员工提供的制服。
Works with vendors to provide uniforms for all hotel associates.
§ 确保正确的处理丢失及拾获物品。
Ensures the proper handling and control of lost and found items.
§ 与前厅部经理和客房部副理协作,经常性的巡视和全面检查房间和其它房务区域的总体运营情况。
Conducts frequent and thorough inspections of guest rooms and Rooms areas in general together
with the Front Office Manager and/or Assistant Managers - Housekeeping.
§ 确保准备好每日预抵贵宾房间、特殊要求房间、长住客的房间,并确保房间内放置适当的欢迎赠品。
Oversees that all daily arrival V.I.P. rooms, special request rooms, and long stay guest rooms are prepared with the appropriate welcome and other amenities.
§ 与前厅部和工程部保持良好的协作,便于进行必要的房间维护。
Works closely with the Front Office and Engineering Departments to block rooms as necessary for maintenance.
§ 确保服务符合品牌标准的基本要求,适时提供更多可供选择的品牌服务。
Ensures all company minimum brand standards have been implemented, and that optional brand standards have been implemented where appropriate.
§ 根据顾客意见调查结果,确保所有改进措施贯彻执行。
Responds to the results of the LRA and ensures that the relevant changes are implemented.
§ 以协助和灵活的态度与其他管理层员工密切合作,关注酒店整体成功和客人满意度。
Works closely with other management associates in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
§ 发扬“群策群力”的精神,确保客房部员工与其他部门在工作中相互支持、灵活变通。
Ensures Housekeeping associates are working in a supportive and flexible manner with other departments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”.
§ 与房务部总监(总经理)定期沟通工作,巡视酒店区域。
Conducts regular walk through with Director of Rooms(General Manager)
§ 熟悉紧急事件处理程序。
Familiar with all Emergency Procedure.
§ 每日监控顾客满意度调查,定期与团队分享结果和客户评价。
Monitors Hysat on a daily basis and shares results and guest comments with the Team regularly.
§ 与部门培训员沟通培训需求,仔细监控执行情况。
Communicates training needs to the Rooms Departmental Trainer and monitors the implementation carefully
§ 定期对客人区和公共区域进行视察,以确保家具、设施和设备的得到良好的清洁和修缮。
Inspects guest and public areas on a regular basis to ensure that the furnishings, facilities, and equipment are clean and in good repair.
§ 对外来承包商进行监督,以确保合同合规且执行规范
Supervises outside contractors to ensure contractual compliance and implementing with standard
§ 执行并管理客房部关于工作人员及客人健康和安全的规定,如失物招领、钥匙管理、安全和紧急情况
Implements and controls Housekeeping procedures that provide for the health and safety of personnel and guests, such as lost and found service, key control, security and emergency procedures and environmental procedures
§ 负责客房部员工的招聘,招聘时严格遵守酒店的指导原则,按照岗位要求挑选适当的人选。
Oversees the recruitment and selection of all Housekeeping associates. To follow hotel guidelines when recruiting and use a competency-based approach to selecting associates.
§ 监督所有客房部员工的出勤和仪容仪表,确保员工穿着合体的制服,并保持高标准的个人、酒店和部
Ensures the punctuality and appearance of all Housekeeping associates, making sure that they wear the correct uniform and maintain a high standard of personal appearance and hygiene, according to the hotel and department’s grooming standards.
§ 为客房部员工做年度表现评估,帮助员工实现自己的职业发展目标。
Conducts annual Performance Development Discussions with Housekeeping associates, supports them in their professional development goals.
§ 在进修及培训发展部经理和部门培训员的协助下,计划并有效的培训客房部员工。
Plans and implements effective training programmes for all Housekeeping associates in coordination with the Learning and Development Manager and Departmental Trainers.
§ 通过持续的反馈和月度例会协助部门培训员不断进步。
Supports Departmental Trainers through ongoing feedback and assistance at monthly meetings.
§ 通过恰当的培训、指导和/或辅导,提高客房部员工的服务技巧和工作效率。
Develops the skills and effectiveness of all Housekeeping associates through the appropriate training, coaching, and/or mentoring.
§ 确保所有客房部员工能够提供高效且技巧的服务。
Be responsible for the skills and effectiveness of all Housekeeping associates.
§ 确保工作计划符合酒店生意需求和其它主要业绩指标。
Ensures work schedules reflect business needs and other key performance indicators.
§ 鼓励员工创新、变革,以及积极面对挑战,并对他们的贡献表示认可。
Encourages associates to be creative and innovative, challenging and recognising them for their contribution to the success of the operation.
§ 支持落实人本品牌, 示范并加强凯悦价值观和文化特性。
Supports the implementation of “The People Brand”, demonstrating and reinforcing Hyatt’s Values and Culture Characteristics.
§ 确保员工理解酒店的规章制度并遵照执行。
Ensures associates have a complete understanding of and adhere to associate rules and regulations.
§ 确保员工遵守酒店、公司和地方的法律法规及与消防、安全相关的规定。
Ensures associates follow all hotel, company and local rules, policies and regulations relating to fire and hazard safety, and security.
§ 确保员工遵循运营手册所列标准。
Ensures standards as stated in the Operations Manuel are maintained by the associates.
§ 根据员工敬业度调查的结果,确保相关改进措施的执行。
§ Feedback the results of the Associate Engagement Survey and ensures that the relevant changes
are implemented.
§ 和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
Works with Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs.
Other Duties
§ 根据需要参加或召集会议。
Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required.
§ 熟知与员工和行业相关的法律法规。
Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in associate and industrial relations.
§ 熟知酒店的员工手册内容,严格执行酒店的规章制度,尤其是有关消防,卫生,健康,与安全的政策
Understands and strictly adheres to Rules and Regulations established in the Associate Handbook and the hotel's policies concerning fire, hygiene, health and safety.
§ 保持高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。
Ensures high standards of personal presentation and grooming.
§ 与竞争酒店、其他公司,建立长期稳定的合作关系。
Maintains strong, professional relationships with relevant representatives from competitor hotels, business partners and other organisations.
§ 始终对管理和个人行为负责, 并且积极展现酒店管理层和凯悦的形象。
Exercises responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the hotel management team and Hyatt.
§ 随着行业、公司和酒店的变化,对客房部的职能作出相应调整。
Responds to changes in the Housekeeping function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel.
§ 参加必要的培训和例会。
Attends training sessions and meetings as and when required.
§ 完成其他合理分配的职责和任务。
Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.
§ 能应对工作职责的变化。为了满足营业及客户服务需求 ,也许会有工作职责和任务的变动,包括调任
To be flexible in your job function and perform any other reasonable duties and responsibilities which may be assigned to you, including redeployment to other departments/areas if required, in order to meet business demands and guest service needs.
§ 酒店依靠员工的灵活性以保证已达到的高标准的持续性。因此,此份工作职责仅作为最常用的工作职
The Hotel relies upon the flexibility of its associates to ensure the continuity of the high standards currently being achieved. As such, this job description is only intended to be a guide to the most regularly performed duties and is subject to amendment and change as may be considered necessary from time to time.
Other Comments
§ 职位属于“部门经理”级并享有相应的福利。
Position is ranked as “Department Head” with related benefits provided.
§ 积极参与前场营运的各项活动。
Actively participate in operation team’s activities.