- 5年以上酒店销售相关工作经历
- 尊重客人需求,认真对待客人的提问或投诉,热衷于满足客人期望,时刻提供专业和高水平的服务质量
- 合理高效地安排员工工作,同时积极培养员工的质量意识
- 善于寻求新方法改进工作绩效
- 以身作则,帮助并带领员工
- 出色的语言组织能力,清楚流利地阐述观点
- 善于解决问题,调节冲突,有效分析所有相关信息,以得出正确结论
- 具备良好的相关财务知识,关注财务状况,积极采取措施有效节约成本
- 愿意接受不定班次工作
- 精通英语,熟练运用口头和书面英语
- 具有丰富的客户资源
- At least 5 years similar working experience of Sales in hotels
- Respects guest needs; takes great interest in satisfying them by taking their interests and complaints seriously; consistently delivers professional services with high quality work standards.
- Structures work activities effectively, helps to build staff’s quality consciousness
- Keeps on seeking new methods to improve work performance
- Sets role-model for staff; guides and assists the staff
- Has effective language abilities and clearly expresses opinions and information
- Solves problem; reconciles conflict and analyses all relevant information for correct decision-making
- Has sound financial knowledge and familiar with the financial situation, initiates effective measures to save cost
- Accepts to adopt irregular working hour
- Proficiency in English, in both oral and written
- Possesses rich customer resources