Greets customers immediately with a friendlyand sincere welcome. Responds to inquires with accurate information regardinghours of outlet operation, directions to local attractions, or meeting rooms,car rentals and airline shuttle service, etc, according to individual needs.
Answers telephone calls and inputs messagesinto the computer. Retrieves messages and communicates contents to the guest.Retrieves mail, small packages, and facsimiles for customers as requested.
Arranges and confirms recreation, businessand dining activities both inside and outside the hotel. Promptly responds torequests for dentists, doctors, child care, florists, etc.
Hires, trains, supervises, disciplinesconcierge staff. Schedules staff in accordance with hotel manages departmentbudget, including approval of payroll.
Creates activities and provides informationand support to ensure total guest satisfaction for group clientele. Works withthe sales department and attends pre –con meetings.
Responds to guest complaints, conductsresearch to develop such as price conflicts, insufficient heating or airconditioning, etc. Remains calm and alert especially during emergencysituations and heavy hotel activity.
In addition to performance of the essential functions, this position maybe required to perform a combination of the following supportive functions,with the percentage of time performing each function to be solely determined bymanagement based upon the particular requirements of the company.
Leads and motivates team members by leading byexample and employing competent and consistent management practices.
Actively takes part in training the team,facilitating formal training sessions and on the job training to ensure thatall team members are of the same standard. Also attends training where and whenrequired
Acts as a coach and mentor to team members,reinforcing standards and expectations and motivating team members to strivefor established targets.
Maintains discipline amongst team members, ensuringconsistency in accordance with the team member handbook, UAE Labour Law and HRguidelines. Distributes appropriate discipline when and where required.
Conducts PDR’s, 1:1 meetings throughout the year,ensuring that the feedback given to team members is fair, unbiased and providesa platform for continued improvement, according to the Hilton standards.
Is involved with succession planning anddevelopment of high potential team members to ensure that all team members aretrained to progress to the next level of their career.
Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing newideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative toprovide quality service and customer care to team members and guests.
Responsible for the smooth induction andfacilitation of training for new team members, ensuring that they are trainedto the minimum level standard and that they can competently complete their joband that they know what is expected of them.
Takes an active role in the front desk andconcierge team, ensuring effective communication and working as a team in orderto reach goals and targets.
Creating a warm and welcoming arrival for guests,ensuring that they feel expected and immediately “at-home” when they arrive.
Ensures that the concierge team escorts guests totheir room that the hotel facilities and room features are explained, and thatluggage is delivered in a prompt manner.
Handles complaints promptly and efficiently, takingthe necessary action, and informing the Duty Manager or Guest Relations Managerfor follow up, where appropriate. Follows up with all guests to ensuresatisfaction with problem resolution.
Maintains awareness of guest’s profile and specificpreferences, ensuring that they are acted upon for each reservation.
Ensures that VIP guests are treated personally andrecognized as an individual.
Promotes HHonors and its associated benefits toguests who are not already enrolled in the program. Ensures that existingHHonors members receive personal and professional service that recognizes themas important guests and that their benefits are received.
Ensures that the concierge teams facilitate aprompt departure for all guests by ensuring that their luggage is brought fromtheir rooms promptly when requested, or offered assistance when in the lobby.Also to ensure that all guests are offered to make arrangements fortransportation and that they are invited back and farewell.
Manages the storage and organization of guests’luggage in a safe and secure, organized and systemized way.
Ensures that the concierge team maintains the lobbyappearance is neat and tidy, and that public areas are called when necessary.Responsible for ensuring that hotel material and information is stocked andavailable for guests.
Has knowledge of the hotels facilities and servicesas well as basic knowledge of Hilton International, MEAP & other propertiesin China.
Is up to date with information and has detailedknowledge of facilities, attractions, and places of interest, sights andactivities in and around hotel. Imparts this knowledge to other team members.
Monitors the sale of postage stamps, telephonecards and other items and maintains a cash float.
Ensures that the concierge team correctly carriesout ticket reconfirmation, safari bookings and makes guest reservations whenrequired.
Ensures that the concierge team correctly handlesand delivers messages, receives and distributes packages, and the daily postand correspondence of both guests and the hotel
Responsible for managing guest airporttransportation, ensuring pick-ups and drop-offs are completed on time and themost effective use of the drivers’ time is made.
Inputs information in to Fidelio regarding guests,ensuring accuracy and that all details are completed and that the informationcan be clearly understood by other team members.
Applies Hilton Brand Standards in each and everyaction, acting as a role model and example of how the standards should becarried out in a practical setting.
Effectively communicates, coordinates and cooperateswith Housekeeping, F&B, Engineering and .IT
Reports problems with hotel systems, hardware orfacilities to the appropriate party and follows up to ensure that correctiveaction has been taken.
Ensures that the Front Desk Manager is kept awareand up to date of operational issues.
Passes on information effectively, ensuring thatall necessary details are communicated to the intended person and that anypending action is completed and guest satisfaction confirmed. Attends dailybriefings, shift handovers, meetings and reads the log book on a daily basis.
Manages and maintains the Concierge Desk stock andthat it is not wasted, maintaining costs were able.
Keeps up to date and aware of competitor activitiesin order to be informed.
Complies with Health & Safety, EmergencyManagement, disaster Manual, and Fire procedures and regulations. Takes part inthe fire team when and where directed.
Adheresstrictly to standard cash handling procedures, ensuring to balance float anddrop the required amount. Manages cash, credit card, city ledger, voucher andall other forms of payment correctly.
Adheres to the company credit policy at all timeswhen handling cash, credit card transactions, city ledger, providing currencyexchange services, LPO and third party payments for rooms, meetings, F&Band any other charges that may be incurred by guests.
Maintains awareness of sales opportunities withinthe hotel, maximizing revenue in an ethical and responsible manner, ensuringthe guests receive value for money and adhering to Hilton Brand Standards.
Assimilate into The Hilton Family PRIDE/CAREculture through understanding, supporting and participating in all elements ofPRIDE/CARE. Demonstrate working knowledge of the service standards.